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Understanding and gaining meaning from what we read

Reading is more than just knowing or saying the words. We want to understand what we read. We want to know what the words mean and use the information that we read.

We want to build our comprehension skills. Comprehension is the goal for reading. Without comprehension, we could not enjoy a story, gain new information, or use what we read.

Here are a few things that we do to develop our comprehension skills:

We make connections when we read. We connect what we read to other things that we have read. We connect what we read to things we have done or seen. We connect what we read to things we know about the world.

We think about what we have read. We use graphic organizers to think about the text we've read. Sometimes we compare and contrast information in what we've read. Or we will list what we have learned or list what happened in a story.

We summarize what we have read and learned. Sometimes we write words about the story. Sometimes we draw pictures about the story. We think about what happened in the story (the plot) and the people or animals in the story (the characters).

We write about what we've read. We use information from the text in our writing.

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